Algiers tries to intensify its lobbying in the USA in favor of the Polisario

Following the massive support of US Congressmen and Senators to the Moroccan autonomy plan, translated through a letter to the President Barack Obama signed by not less than 245 representatives, Algiers tries to refocus its lobbying strategy in Washington, and would be in the process of approaching the American deputies of the States of the South and United States, related to oil and gas industry, in order to convince them to support the Algerian position. Thus, Abdallah Baali has gone, end of March, to Houston and sponsored a lunch for the Arab-American Chamber of Commerce, before giving a speech in the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), which has been organized by the lobbying cabinet “Foley Hoag”, which advises the Embassy about the Western Sahara issue. Coincidence? Surely not, in fact, the Embassy tries to make believe that Algeria devotes henceforth itself to peace and stability in the Maghreb region, in order to win over a number of new Congressmen from the Democrat Party. Yet, this strategy has been paralyzed by the recent report published by the “Potomac Institute”, where many American personalities have declared themselves in favor of the Moroccan autonomy initiative for the Sahara. According to reliable information coming in to the “Polisario confidential” from Washington, Abdallah Baali has asked the researcher Jacob Mundy, a former Marxist militant converted into a consultant in strategy (more remunerating …), to go to the front  to make the report favorable to Morocco lose its credibility.

One problem is that no serious media wanted to take up Mundy analysis, and the latter has been reduced to flood fax writings in order to ask them to grant him a small place…


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