The succession of Ali Beiba reveals the real reason behind his assassination

The succession of Mahfoud Ali beiba at the head of the Sahrawi Parliament in exile, has led to a terrible arm-wrestling between members of the Polisario leadership. Those who continue accusing and the others who are responsible for the murder of Ali Beiba, precisely to replace him with Khatri Adouh.
The latter, who has just been appointed President of the Sahrawi National Council (Parliament), is known for his rigid position and his hostility towards the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco for the Sahara. Qualities for which he is particularly appreciated by DRS  senior officers, the dangerous Algerian military intelligence services.
On the opposite, it is the absence of these features in his character which has confirmed the destiny of Ali Beiba, killed probably poisoned by the DRS. The Algerian officers could no more bear this conciliatory position with Morocco. The visit paid by the two daughters of Ali Beiba to their family members in Rabat, in the course of the year, was the straw that breaks the back of the Algerian higher officer from the military intelligence services.

Regarding Khatri Adouh, he has a lot going for him for which he is appreciated by the DRS officers and the Polisario Chief, Mohamed Abdelaziz. He has shown efficiency particularly in fulfilling his functions at the Polisario front Orientation Department, a real indoctrination machine for young people in Tindouf camps.
Thus, when Khatri Adouh was appointed at the head of the Parliament, the supporters of Mahfoud Ali Beiba have understood the real reasons behind the latter’s assassination. They have come to the conclusion that the well-balanced trend strongly recommended by Ali Beiba, was  buried with him. But for how much time?



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