What is the secret behind the intimate relationship of the Algerian regime with the Polisario ?

The mystery of the relationship somehow very intimate, since the time of the late Houari Boumédiane, of the civil and military leaders who have followed each other at the head of Algiers with the Polisario leaders, constitute a real enigma for many observers and experts specialized in Maghrebian issues. What can the Polisario, a separatist movement created by Algerians in the 70s with the precious help of the Libyan colonel Mouammar Kadhafi, do to the Algerian leaders to deserve such a solicitude. Just after having succeeded to the Polisario leadership after El Ouali Moustapha Sayed, who has been assassinated by his people in June 1976 in Nouakchott, Mohamed Abdelaziz, a pure Moroccan, native of Marrakech, would make a deal with the generals of the Algerian army (APN-Popular national army). An influential Polisario leader who felt to be kept at a distance by his leaders suspecting him since some time of willing to escape from Rabouni, has he told in confidence to a journalist from “Polisario Confidentiel” during his passage in Spain, that Mohamed Abdelaziz committed himself in the 70s, in front of the officers of the famous Department of Intelligence and Security (DRS military intelligence service) to never accept a political arrangement with the Sherifian Kingdom.

In exchange, specifies the Polisario executive who choses to remain anonymous, the strong men of the DRS have promised to Abdelaziz Marrakchi, as he was nicknamed by the late King Hassan II, not only to remain at the head of the separatist movement and the Sahrawi Republic (SADR), as long as he respects his commitments. They have also proposed him to have the foreign humanitarian aids, intended for Sahrawi refugees in Tindouf camps, at his free disposal. This is what explains the long passage of Mohamed Abdelaziz at the head of the leading bodies of the  supporters of independence movement. Furthermore, adds our source, the Algiers authorities, under pressure, of course, made some ANP generals promise Abdelaziz all the financial and diplomatic support which his movement would be in need of to lead his diplomatic struggle and his anti-Moroccan propaganda campaigns. Even some Algerian media, he added, have been paid by the authorities especially by the DRS to support the Polisario propaganda. Besides, some newspapers  seized the opportunity to show their claws against the Sherifian Kingdom and behave as if they were defending a great national cause.
During a private party in Rabouni, tells the same source, Mohamed Abdelaziz has told in confidence to some close friends, that he regrets the old time when he was still a student in the Moroccan universities. He has declared in a depressed way, that he has lost all hope to  become again a free man, declaring to his friends  his being afraid to be killed at any time by the DRS agents and to end his days like El Ouali Moustapha Sayed.


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