Libya : Polisario mercenaries transit through Mali to go to Tindouf

A group of many dozens of Sahrawi mercenaries sent to Libya by Polisario with the consent of the Algerian army and its protection, was involved, according to sources close to the Libyan CNT, with hundreds of Touareg, Malian and Nigerian mercenaries who were dismissed from from the Libyan territory by the rebels while they were fighting on the side of Mouammar Kadhafi’s troops. To avoid the leaking out of this information to the media, the Algerian army has given order to Polisario mercenaries not to return back directly to their camps in Tindouf while passing through the Algero-Libyan frontiers so much controlled these days by the rebels, while they fight on the sides of Mouammar Kadhafi’s troops. To avoid the leaking out of this information to the medias, the Algerian army has given order to the Polisario mercenaries not to return back directly to their camps in Tindouf by passing through the Algero-Libyan frontiers very well controlled these times, by the Libyan revolts and the NATO forces, but rather to transit by Niger and Mali so as not to pass unnoticed.

The catching lately by the revolts of 556 Polisario mercenaries on the fighting front, an information largely spread by the Arab and Western media, has seriously embarrassed the Algerian generals of the Security and intelligence Department).
To be out of any suspicion, Algeria should have announced on Monday 29th August, its unilateral decision to close till « new order » its land frontiers with Libya, making a “general alert” along this frontier of almost 1000 km.
Despite of the official denial by the Algerian government of the information spread by the media and other Libyan sources on the participation of Sahrawi mercenaries to the Libyan conflict on the side of Kadhafi’s troops. This participation is getting more and more confirmed. And as each day there is a set of new revelations, the last ones come from an Algerian political scientist. In an interviewin a French newspaper “La Croix”, the Algerian professor teaching at the French University “Lyon 2”, Lahouari Addi thinks that “if it is confirmed that hundreds of Polisario members have fought with Kadhafi’s troops in Libya, it is certain that they could not go to Libya without the help of the Algerian authorities”. ”It is very plausible, he supports, that the clans in power (Algerian), willing to put an end to the Western Sahara thorny issue, have supported the sending of Polisario members to Libya to discredit the latter”.
Commenting the escape from the Libyan Front, of Polisario mercenaries, to Niger and Mali, many observers are wondering about the future of these fighters who have taken with them military vehicles, a very important set of heavy arms and munitions and an acquired expertise in Libya. These mercenaries constitute, henceforth, a real threat for the stability of the whole Sahel, believe the same observers who are afraid that Libyan heavy arms are in the hands of the terrorist nebulous Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQMI), very active in many countries of the Sahel.



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