32 years ago, Cuba sent its political police chiefs to the Sahara

The Panamanian newspaper, “Estrella de Panama”, (www.estrelladepanama.com)
has published information concerning the sending by Cuba of 200 political police chiefs accompanied by North-Vietnamese officers. The mission of this contingent is to train Polisario Front elements to fighting Morocco.
This information comes to corroborate the “Guevara doctrine for the Sahara”; which “Polisario Confidential” has published, thanks to testimonies of former chief of the Cuban secret services, Juan Vives.
This information is capital to the understanding of the Sahara conflict issue. It goes back to the era of the cold war. Indeed, the Seventies knew an intensification of the Cuban assistance to the Polisario Frente in the name of the “Marxist Unified Front” which Fidel Castro wanted to develop.

 In a preceding edition, Polisario Confidential also revealed that this Cuban assistance continued until 1982, according to a declassified document of the CIA. The Cuban logistic assistance, with the end of the cold war, was finally reduced to a political support and the organization of “training camps” for the Polisario Front teenagers; their ideological formation couldn’t be assured on the spot. However, with the “forced” retirement of Fidel Castro, it seems that his brother Raoul somewhat, ignored the case. Raoul Castro wanted to establish his authority upon the executives of the party and the military hierarchy first. With the recent revival of the co-operation with Algeria, a new Cuban plan to support the Polisario Front is established.


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