By wearing this pin, Mosgaard discredits the UN mission in the area. He shows publicly his favor to one of the actors of the conflict, the Polisario Front, a Marxist-Leninist guerrilla opposing Morocco for 33 years. The job of Kurt Mosgaard is to observe the cease-fire in the most neutral way, in compliance with UN recommendations. It is the trust of the international community which is betrayed and the Moroccan people who are misled.
Several incidents enameled the passage of this Danish general as head of Minurso military command, one being the “the flag” incident, Moosgard deciding to remove the Moroccan flag from the MINURSO headquarters, provoking riots by Moroccan population.
{mosimage}General Moosgard, whose relations with the Moroccans worsened during its mandate, is now at the core of an international scandal. His partiality is questioned about the reports sent to the UN between 2005 and 2007.
What will be the answers of the UN and Morocco to this picture? Knowing that Kurt Mosgaard is lobbying to secure a new command within the DPKO (department of peace keeping), it is not excluded that the United Nations decide to exclude the soldier from further duty, leaving him thus more time to devote to the guerrilleros…
What will be the answers of the UN and Morocco to this picture? Knowing that Kurt Mosgaard is lobbying to secure a new command within the DPKO (department of peace keeping), it is not excluded that the United Nations decide to exclude the soldier from further duty, leaving him thus more time to devote to the guerrilleros…