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Sahara-Panama: The phosphate war will not take place

Panama’s decision to allow a ship carrying Moroccan phosphates to continue its journey to Canada has thwarted the Polisario’s new maneuver, schemed by Algeria, to wage a sea warfare against Morocco,...
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Algeria-Polisario: CIA’s accusatory documents

CIA declassified documents have confirmed what everyone already suspected: Algeria supplied the Polisario Front with sophisticated weapons and equipment at the height of the armed clashes with Morocco...
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USA-Sahara: New support for Morocco’s autonomy initiative

US President Donald Trump promulgated last Friday (May 5), the 2017 Appropriation Bill that was adopted earlier the same day by the Congress. The Law and its accompanying report, to the consternation of...
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UN: Security Council Crack the Whip over the Polisario

With a one-day delay over the initial schedule, the Security Council meeting on the Sahara was finally programmed for this Friday. The Council will vote on a resolution urging the Polisario to withdraw...
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Polisario unsettled by Mohammed VI’s diplomatic offensive in Cuba

The separatist front leaders have been unsettled by Mohammed VI’s latest diplomatic offensive in Cuba, says a well-informed source in the Polisario-run Tindouf camps, in Algeria. The confusion of...
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Guergarate: What is behind the Polisario’s obstinacy?

If someone attempts to understand the inexplicable stubbornness of the Polisario to continue the showdown at Guergarate and the direct confrontation with the UN, he needs to direct his attention towards...
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Sahara-UN: Polisario’s back against the wall

The Polisario finds itself cornered after the warning shot of the Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. Guterres actually asked the Security Council to exact that the separatist front withdraws completely...
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Brahim Ghali: The reasons of his anger at the Polisario apparatchik

As the situation in the Tindouf camps is increasingly deteriorating and the Sahrawi population’s discontent is mounting, the Polisario leader summoned the dignitaries of the separatist movement to return...
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Polisario, Algeria’s failure in Dakar

The postponement sine die of the meeting of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), initially scheduled for March 23-25 in Dakar, illustrates the new diplomatic showdown between Morocco and Algeria...
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Sahara-Polisario: How Algerian diplomacy tries to hijack the agenda in Africa

The failure of the Polisario leader to influence the UN Secretary General as to the challenge the separatist front is posing in the buffer strip of Guerguarat prompted Algerian officials to turn towards...
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